Working together to make sure this world unites under one roof to think for the society at large marking each individual realize that they are just not their country citizen but a global citizen and hence it’s our responsibility to promote good health, education peace and prosperity for the world.
“We work towards building a better tomorrow, today with the first steps towards building one planet, one nation, one earth for the global citizen to live, grow, enjoy peacefully in this one nation.”
Mobilizing Action on the Sustainable Development Goals: Our Holistic Approach Absolutely Interdenominational, Inter- Cultural for the global world.
Our Belief in Supporting Global Compact for Civilization:
We Support the international principles for human rights & Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
We support & strive towards elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; effective abolition of child labour; and elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
We support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies to save the planet and environment for the world.
We support and strongly believe businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
Our Principals’ in Support of Global Academic Impact:
- Educating the underprivileged international voters of the world; educating the educated through advanced skills of leadership qualities, building a Peace affectionate Community around us & ultimately build up a more robust international Nation.
- Make sustainable efforts to support & protect commitment to human rights, among them freedom of inquiry, opinion, and speech make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
- Providing potential informative to remodel the lifetime of each International national, in order that they will have a life crammed with Love, Dignity, Peace, Justice, giving them glorious chance to achieve their Fullest Potential through advance credentials & Degree courses. We tend to equally provide quality doctoral programs through research in various disciplines supporting the ecosystem; also other higher instructional Courses associated with address rising international problems. We intent do organize regular International Seminars, workshops, and coaching Programs on problems with strategic importance in world peace & human rights.
- Creating commitment to instructional chance for all folks despite gender, race, faith or ethnicity; remodeling global voters into trustworthy messengers of God’s peace messenger for love, trained to coach alternative Trainers into powerful Motivators, Trainers & gallant Promoters of Love, Peace & Justice.
- Creating commitment to assembling capability in pedagogy systems across the world to the chance for each interested individual to amass the talents and information necessary for the pursuit of upgrading education with effective implementation of community & Transformation.
- Creating a global impact on the International community & global humanitarian Society, to create lasting changes for the underprivileged & deprived for transforming change in the lives of deprived families, Children & Communities living in poverty & injustice.
- To create, establish & encourage global citizenship through education for establishing Sustainable livelihood, peace & security, poverty eradication through change integration.
- Creating atmosphere to preach peace and conflict resolution through education; through trained team of educated International voters, Educating & Sensitizing the globe on the necessary of the atmosphere, gender, constitutional human rights, women empowerment, stop child abuse, safe drinking water, health & hygiene, basic food, agriculture reform, family resilience, equitable development of each national & take care of the vulnerable to ultimately establish world peace.
- Creating environment to address issues of sustainability through education; by training the youth on the earth to establish world peace & empowering civic activism to train for sustainable livelihood for every household. To create opportunities & develop skill development courses in the field such as disaster management, emergency medicine to response effectively during disaster relief & rehabilitation for creating economic recovery, infrastructure rebuilding with sustainable humanitarian rehabilitation work.
- Creating a platform to promote inter-cultural dialogue and understanding, and therefore the “unlearning” of intolerance, through education. Through the social service in a very democratic manner involving the community regardless of any bias through cast, Creed & Religion to ascertain sensible human relations with the Community to establish the ultimate goal for establishing world Peace on earth.

We SUPPORT: CIHF strongly follows & support united nations policy frames work for education, human rights, world peace and sustainability, we at CIHF Accept all 10 Global Universally Accepted Principles of United Nation Global Compact, United Nation Academic Impact, UN Principals for Human Rights, world peace & All Charters of United Nations & EU.
(Note: Page Content; Some adaptation for Reference from United Nations Web Content & Internet resources)