CIHF is an independent, non- government, not-for-profit organisation, which is concerned with the following aims and objectives.
- To act as an efficient liasoning among the members, other healthcare associations & government bodies within the country & abroad.
- Co-ordination of the activities of healthcare industry in India for the attainment of a high standard of healthcare & helping them in setting up Accreditation.
- Promotion & Establishment of a common platform for exchange of information on every aspect of healthcare services, health insurance, patient care and the latest medical information so as to promote India into a regional healthcare hub.
- To Endeavour & achieve the highest attainable standard of Healthcare services in India.
- To maintain and attain friendly relations & mutual assistance among the people of member countries in the region.
- To make India the preferred health destination of the world and resultant economic growth to improve the health status of our people & thus building the international trade.
- To upgrade & boost quality of healthcare infrastructure in India.
- Outreach & community development programs, work towards bringing all major stakeholders under this body.
- To create an attitude and environment of trust and integrity thus helping everyone to share & enjoy mutually beneficial relationships & to establish our credibility of an order that everybody can look up to.
- Information Technology & Technology up-gradation in Healthcare industry.
- Upgrade quality of care & work force including education.
- To endeavor for a disease-free India by providing accessible quality healthcare to every single household at affordable cost&transforming India into a healthy vivacious nation.