CIHF is quick to respond to disasters both manmade and natural across India.
In an event of a natural disaster CIHF’s top agenda is as follows:
• Create a disaster relief fund
• Provide emergency relief in terms of food, shelter and clothes to the victims
• Rehabilitation, reconstruction and resettlement
• Diversification of livelihood support base
• Strengthening community level coping mechanisms to deal with future disasters
• Disaster preparedness workshops
Role of CIHF & Its local Chapter:
• Networking with credible NGOs across India.
• Thorough due diligence of potential partner NGOs.
• Disbursement of funds.
• Tracking and monitoring of the project with special focus on fund utilization.
• Regular visits conducted to the affected site.
• Regular updates sent to the corporate.
• 80 G certificates sent to the corporate (in case of corporate giving).
• 80 G certificates sent to employees (in case of employee giving)
CIHF hugely supported the relief measures during major disasters like:
Bihar Flood Relief 2008 & Mumbai Disaster Response Fund 2008
• Reconstructing the lives of 5,000 flood affected people.
• Providing kitchens, balwadi, vocational training and health facilities.
• Providing toilets to maintain levels of hygiene.
• Running community kitchens to provide 3 meals per day
• Providing shelter to cattle of the families affected
• Help & Support providing immediate relief to 40,000 floods affected people.
• Interventions for Rehabilitation of Victims & their Need assessment study.
• Follow up visits & Strengthening of Emergency Shelters